Monday, October 3, 2011

A Damsels Daybook 39 !!!!!!!!!!

 I decided to do this after seeing A Simple Woman's Daybook.

This is my simple Damsels version.

If you would like to  join in with me each week feel free and if you do please leave a comment  so I can come 'visit' and see what your plans are.    Please do this as its hard for me to go to all possible blogs just to see if they have participated

Please feel free if you want to participate to use My Damsel Image.

Outside my window....... A new day is blooming like a flower. It can looks small but who knows its value?

I am thinking about........God in life and how much he loves me, family, etc.  You know stuff.

From the kitchen..........Food. :)

I am creating .........Christmas gifts and working on a new story idea.

I am reading.........
My Bible.
Rangers Apprentice: Halt's Peril by John Flanagan
Star in the hand by ?????
A Woman of the Commune by G. A. Henty

I am hearing....... Siblings, footsteps, talking. 

I am hoping.........  That I remember to follow  the  motto JOY.

I am planning.......... To take each day one at time.

I am wearing............ Would you believe......Clothes!?

Around the house.......... Another day .   But, is it a mission, chore or treat?

My wish of the week .........   That I remember to treat others as I want to be treated myself. 


1 comment:

Miah said...

Very nice! I joined in too!