Okay, I just need to ramble and be a little random so please bear with me. I really don't know where this will go. :D
I went to see Tangled today. What a fantastic movie!!! It was much better then I expected it too be. It was very eye popping in 3D. Have I told you I like 3D??? Or maybe you already gathered that.
I have been writing frequently in my journal. I feel like my journal is a dear friend who will guard my thoughts , dreams , desires and feelings. Thank God for journals!!!
I have found some new Christian music I need to eventually get. Have you ever felt a song you were listening to sink into your heart and speak to your soul, like it was written for
you! Songs sooth my spirit when I'm mad . Help make me happy when I'm sad. Give me something to dance to when I feel ecstatic and overjoyed. Embrace my heart and heal old and new wounds. Music is more than just music , a mere thing we listen to . To me it is a God given gift to His children. Like a rare and precious gem entrusted to us. I love music.
I often have bouts of depression , they can last several days , a few hours , under an hour. They just happen and make me feel really down with , my family , my life , myself and everything in general. They come unexpectedly and can be caused by just about everything. A sentence someone says to me, or just come and I can't tell you where they come from. They make me feel insecure and unsure of everything, I don't like being depressed as I am a happy person.
I find the most randomest things funny as my friends and family well know. But, something has to be hysterical to make me really laugh then I laugh for ages and ages and I cry at the same time and have to wipe my eyes . I love laughing. Laughter is the best medicine they say.
I have trouble verbally expressing
exactly how I feel to a lot of people but have no trouble expressing myself with a pen .
Some days are soooooo hard to get through and I get to a stage at the end of the day where I don't really want to be touched and need to curl up in a ball in the dark and just feel quiet. Are any of you the same? Its surprising that I like curling up in the dark to calm down and feel better, as one of my few phobias is
Nyctophobia . a fear of the dark . I shall list my phobias here for your interest:
Nyctophobia. A fear of the dark.
Arachnophobia. Fear of spiders.Not as bad as it used to be though, thankfully.
Haptephobia. A fear of being touched. Wikipedia says it is "an acute exaggeration of the normal tendencies to protect one's personal space, expressed as a fear of contamination or of the invasion, and extending even to people whom its sufferers know well
." And Claustrophobia. A fear of small confined spaces.
You would have to be really close to me to know my phobias as I follow a quote from ' The Princess Diaries" movies.
"Courage is not the absence of fear . But, rather the judgment that something is more important , then fear." I will often hide my deep emotions from others until I break down or carefully, slowly, deliberately and delicately tell them how I 'm feeling.
I'm not exactly sure why I am like this . I just am God made me this way and i thank Him for doing so and making me , me. This has been very tough for me to write, I have opened my heart and told you some stuff not really well known about me . Stuff I would not willingly tell you but, I believe in being sincere so I am telling you more about myself. I hope you can relate to something about me.