Thursday, February 24, 2011

T. L. M. C. Day 24: A movie no one would expect you to love.

Okay . I guess it would have to be " Rambo: First Blood." I watched this with my two big brothers and one of my younger brothers Saxon.

I had a VERY interesting storyline. He was very impressive when he fought.
And He has a great knife! The hilt screws off and inside he has some survival things inside .
I love action films. Surprised? And this was very good Here is a link to the Wikipedia review.



iGirl said...

Wow, I did not expect that. I can't watch movies like that, I'd be too scared ;). Maybe I"ll see it when I'm older!!! :)

Bernadette said...

Hi Autumn,
Although gruesome in places and violent, the Rambo movies are great, for mature teens and above. It is ultimately a story of triumph in adversity and ingenuity. I'm glad you liked it.
