Monday, March 28, 2011

A Damsels Daybook 29!!!!!!

I decided to do this after seeing A Simple Woman's Daybook.

This is my simple Damsels version.

If you would like to join in with me each week feel free and if you do please leave a comment so I can come 'visit' and see what your plans are.

Please feel free if you want to participate to use My Damsel Image.

Outside my window....... It was sunny earlier , now its overcast.
I am thinking about......... My life, my family,about blog posts I wanna do and other random things.
From the kitchen..........Nothing right now.
I am creating .........knitting a scarf ,   and writing stories and  learning to crochet. Which i am finding challenging.

I am reading.........
My Bible.
Rangers Apprentice: Halt's Peril by John Flanagan
In the Heart of the Rockies - G. A. Henty.
The ABC's of Choosing a Good Husband by Stephen Wood
Emma by Jane Austen
At Bertram's hotel- Agatha Christie.

I am hearing....... Siblings, the computer,my thoughts.
I am hoping.........To have a good week.
I am planning..........Not much.
I am wearing............  I am just gonna say clothes this week to create a little change in this post. And also I can't be bothered to write it all down.
Around the house..........  Not much.
My wish of the week .........  That I DO NOT fall behind on school work.


1 comment:

Gae said...

Dear Autumn,
Good luck with your hopes and dreams. I will help you crochet too
love Mummy