I decided to do this after seeing A Simple Womans Daybook.
This is my simple Damsels version.
If you would like to join in with me each week feel free and if you do please leave a comment so I can come 'visit' and see what your plans are.
Please feel free if you want to participate to use My Damsel Image.
Outside my window....... Its a lovely spring day I have seen many birds this morning.
I am thinking about........Birds,blog posts, my Daddy.
From the kitchen..........I have just finished breakfast my favorite ,toast and tea.
I am creating .........Silk Marionettes with Mummy and Christmas gifts .
I am reading......... Victory on the Walls-Frieda Clark Hyman
The Young Colonists-G.A. Henty.
Issac Newton and Gravity-P.M.Rattsansi.
By Sheer pluck-G.A. Henty.
I have got "Inkdeath" and am trying too ration it which is almost impossible to do.
I am hearing.......Younger siblings talkingand finishing breakfast and five year old sister talking to me as I type.
I am hoping......... That Daddy will come home this weekend.
I am planning..........To continue going on my morning run/walk this week. It makes me feel good all day ,I have been going on one each weekday for almost three weeks and I've lost weight!!! Yay!!!
I am wearing............ Blue jeans, blue blouse, blue vest, black and white socks, red bandana around my neck and costumary jewelry.
Around the house..........Baby sister has been eating toast these last cuople of days and loving it. Mummy and I are going to make her some baby stew in the next couple of days. very fun.
My wish of the week ......... That we sell our house very soon.