My sincere apologies for disappearing again. I am rather good at that am I not? Anyway to cut a long story short Daddy is no longer working away he now has a job here which he is starting tomorrow. So, I have been spending a lot of time just being with him.
I have now had my blog for over a year. I think the date I started was the 16Th of June 2009 that or the 17Th. In regards to that what should I do to celebrate: host a caption contest, movie quote quiz , answer questions about myself that you ask me. I would appreciate your ideas but, please not a giveaway is totally out of the question as that is just not me.
Well, also I have become a HUGE X-men fan. My hero Dustfinger has now been kicked aside in favour of Wolverine.

My birthday is next Tuesday the 6Th of July and I will be *gulp* SEVENTEEN!
That means I must find some heroines and book characters who are seventeen. Do you know any?
Anyway I am planning to make out a weekly blogging schedule to help me post more often. Farwell and Adieu
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Congratulations! I would say host a movie quote quiz. That's just my personal opinion though. Where is Wolverine from? I've never heard of him. Your older than me, I won't be 17 until August.
Why don't you do both of them Autumn? That would mean that even if some people only enter one you'de probaly get more entrys. Geesh I have to think up a birthday present!
I reckon you should let us comment and ask you a question and you answer it in a post. So you can do a post and we will comment and give you our questions then do another post answering them! But the questions can not be too personal.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wow 17! Can you drive yet?
I have heard about X-men. I love them sort of movies! I like it how they all have special abilities! I really like Wolverine too! I have never seen the movies yet cause I am only 12. Mum and Dad say I am definetly not old enough yet. Who is dustfinger and what does he do?
Could you do a post with all the characters photos, their abilities and their names? You don't have to if you don't want to. Just thought it would be fun.
Poor Dustfinger...
Anyhow. Congratulations about your birthday coming up!
seventeen seems so far away to me...I'm only thirteen.
I like caption contests myself, but what ever you decide is great!
Happy Birthday Autumn!!!!!!
17-year-old heroines. . . hmmm. . .
Catherine Morland (Northanger Abbey) is 17 - and I think Marianne Dashwood is, too (Sense and Sensibility).
BTW, I've missed doing A Damsel's Daybook! :-) Will that be coming back sometime in the future?
Wow ! I'm slack at replying to comments but here i go!
Anna - Maria : Thanks for the advice! Wolverine is from X-men. What day is your birthday?
Vellvin; Thank you for the advice little sis.
Annise: Thanks for the advice. Hehe no I can't drive as our car has a problem with the gearbox and its not safe therefore I am not allowed to drive until its fixed. *sigh* Dustfinger is from Inkheart - by cornelia Funke. There is also a movie of Inkheart.Your idea for posts is cool I'll see what I can do.
Monica: Thanks for the advice!
The Editrix: Thank you for the heroines! I found another myself.. Nancy Drew! Yes , ADD will be coming back soon. Hopefully next week.
Marianne Dashwood! I think Catherine Morland is 15, isn't she? I love Dustfinger!!!!
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