Dear Rogan and Moran,

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rogan even though you don't look like your ten I know you are and I am sooooo glad I have you as my little brother. You make me smile with the sweet things you say which can be funny or serious. You drive me crazy at times even though a lot of what you do I do or have done.

May this new year be for you a happy and fulfilling one.
And Moran, dear sweet precious Moran , You are the best little companion when I do chores and we both have so much fun quoting from movies.

Yes Moran you have a wonderful memory and are so like me in many ways that it shocks and makes me think about when I was little.

Moran I love it when you let me help you with anything from drawing to putting a band aid on a cut knee.

Moran I am so thankful for having you as a little sister I pray this year will be an exciting and joyous one.
Rogan and Moran I love you both so much.
HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY MORAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY ROGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love