My most wonderful Mummy is hosting this Loveliness Fair on Children's books. Here is my contribution
I can hardly remember a time when I did not read . I remember Mummy teaching me and the difficulty I had pronouncing "th" and not"f" . A problem which now I am older I have done my best to remedy but, it still occurs occasionally.
I also remember the pleasure and joy I found reading a book to myself without help for the first time. It was a little kids book about a puppy playing with his ball unfortunately it was a library book and therefore I do not know its title.
I remember then reading Asterix and Tin-Tin comic books and gobbling them up and wanting more. I read the Little House books, The American girls books and lots more.
Books are part of who I am I love many kinds not just a certain type but, many types.
Below are some of my all time favourite authors and books.
*Gene Stratton Porter. I am not yet allowed to read all her books but only some.
*Louisa May Alcott. I am a BIG fan. I especially love her short story" The Quiet Little Woman."
*Lucy Maud Montgomery. Is there any of her books I don't like? Hmmm, let me think.....No! I adore the Storygirl as you might already know.
*The Spiderwick Chronicles-Holly Black. These are great .
*My Heart Lies South-Elizabeth Borton de trivino. Have you read this? What's that you haven't! That's awful! I personally think it would make a great movie.
*The American Girls Collection. My favorites are Kit,Samantha, Josephina,Felicity and Molly.
*Mark Twain. Is there a single kid in the world that has not dreamt of floating down a river on a raft and having adventures with all kinds of people and situations?
*E. Nesbit. Oh crumbs! I forget her first name partly the fact for me she is "E" Nesbit. Her books show such a wonderful imagination LOVE them.
*Nancy Drew-Carolyn Keene. I love Nancy Drew books they are so fast paced and action filled.
*The Hardy Boys- Franklin w. Dixon. I like them for the same reasons I do Nancy Drew.
*Margruite De Anglei. She tells such heart warming stories and her illustrations are just magical.
*The Royal Diaries. This is a series by various authors about royal girls from different time periods, Elizabeth the first, Mary queen of Scots etc.
*The Swallows And Amazons- Arthur Ransome. A great healthy adventure series about some kids who have adventures sailing.
*The Belgariad Series - David Eddings. This series is for mature readers, teenagers and adults not little kids. He writes very well indeed and his characters are just superb.
*The Chronicles of Narnia- C.S.Lewis. Am I the only person who has dreamt of going through a wardrobe ?
*The All of a Kind Family Series- Sydney Taylor. I love this series because I can see how very similar the girls in the book are to my sisters and I . You've got to love Ella.
*The Penderwicks-Jeanne Birdsall . This series is still being written! Yes!!! The author intends to write six books in total about the Penderwick sisters, Rosalind, Skye , Jane and Batty and their father a professor who speaks Latin all the time .
*The Shadow of the Bear series- Regina Domain. I love 'em ! I love 'em! Bear ! Fish! Blanche! Rose! Ahhh! These are fantastic! Need I say more?
*The Betsey Tacey and Tib Series-Maud Hart Lovelace. These three girls are hilarious to read about. together they try all sorts of things from trying to hypnotise a friend as seven year olds to setting up a sorority as young women in high school.
*Hilda Van Stockholm. Her books are wonderful. They show the love , bravery , courage and friendship even in difficult situations.
*The Liechtenstein Chronicles- Mariol Trevor. A young English girl who lives with her grandmother is told when she is a young teenager that she is heir to the throne of Liechtenstein. This series is about herself and her friends and their remarkable adventures.
*The Happy Little Family- Rebecca Cauldill. An absolutely charming series about a little girl called Bonnie and her family. They remind me very much of Hilda Van Stockholm's books.
*The flying Dutchmen Series - Brian Jacques . Pirates, Gypsies , a boy and a dog who are commanded by an angel to roam the world and live for centuries.
*The William Series- Richmal Crompton . This series is a classic set in England in the 1930's or 1940's William Brown and his friends play all kinds of pranks and have many humerus adventures.
*The Inheritence Cicle- Christopher Poalini. The first book in this series was written when the author was young teenager of 15 or 16 . It is set in a fantasy world called Alegaesia where an evil king Galbatorix rules over the people. A 16 year old boy finds a mysterious blue stone while out hunting and the adventures begin . This series is still being written and anxious fans are awaiting the release of the 4th book.
*The Billabong Series- Mary Grant Bruce. I love these books . Sadly though we do not own all of them only number 1 to 7 or 8 and then the other books further on in the series . I hate not owning a whole series of books.
*Saint books by Mary Fabyan Windeatt. Mary write with lots of skill. Combining the major events in the saints lives in story form. They are very delightful.
*G. A. Henty's!!!! I am still working my way through our massive collection. I thoroughly recommend these as very good historical stories about very interesting characters.
*Mardie- Astrid Lindgreen . Mardie is soooooo funny. One of my all time favorite books that where read aloud to me as a little kid,
*The Melendy Quartet- Elizabeth Enright. These are once again a very remarkable series which I totally love. I think my favorite character is Mona.
*The Moffats- Eleanor Eastes. Again a series about family working , loving and playing together. Isn't Rufus sweet?
*Patricia Polacco. Patricia's books are mostly taken from real live circumstances. They are humerus, charming , witty and funny.
*Enid Blyton. All of her books show remarkable characters whom we can all relate too in their various trials and their happiness.
*Noel Streatfield. Noel's books cover many topics. War, dance , family and many other things. She writes very well with hardly a flaw at all in her writing.
*Kate Seredy. Kate writes very well. with a lot of humerus incidences in her books to keep you on your toes.
*Linnettes and Valariens- Elizabeth Goudge. This book is about four children who run away from their Grandmother and the adventures that befall them after they do so.
*Robert Louis Stevenson . I own quiet a few of his books which are very well written. I also love reading and memorising his poetry.
*Charles Dickens. I love Dickens and am his number one fan.
*Cecily Mary Barker. Cecily's illustrations are very whimsical and sweet . The fairies are so well drawn they look as if they could fly right out of the book.
*Beatrix Potter. I love her illustrations and her life story. I think Jeremy Fisher is my favorite story and character and then Mrs. Tiggy-Wingle.
*The Glad Books- Harriet Smith. Pollyanna is such a happy person determined to be glad all the time because of a game her father invented. These books are about Pollyanna and then her daughter.
*The Inkheart Series- Cornelia Funke. Wonderful books! These should be sat on the shelf beside The Chronicles of Narnia , and The Lord of The Rings a modern classic that will be treasured forever.

*Alfred Lord Tennyson. His poem cover many topics, historical , flowers , and great battles. He is my favorite poet.
*Elsa Beskow . Another charming illustrator who surprisingly was Swedish!
*The Orphelines- Natalie Savage Carlson . The orphelines are a very jolly bunch who do not want to be adopted.
*Genevieve Foster. Her books "Columbus's World " and the others like them teach you things without trying hard at all! Very good.
*The Book of Esther. This is my favorite old testament book.
*The Holy Bible. I don't need to tell you much about this do I? Just that it is God inspired and entirely true.
I have many more favorite books and authors but to type them all up would be a nightmare.
All these books have inspired my own writing in many many ways.
I am glad that you mention Enid Blyton. Well, you may be heartened to learn that I have published a book on Enid Blyton, titled, The Famous Five: A Personal Anecdotage (www.bbotw.com).
Stephen Isabirye
I am glad that you mention Enid Blyton. Well, you may be heartened to learn that I have published a book on Enid Blyton, titled, The Famous Five: A Personal Anecdotage (www.bbotw.com).
Stephen Isabirye
A new author for us to check out! David Beligard.
Hello, I'm here from your mum's lovliness fair. I love your selection of books. you are quite well read. I did so much love the Nancy Drew series when I was your age. and of course narnia.
I can't wait for the last Eragon book!
It's taking soooooooooooooo long for Christopher Poalini to write it!
your little sister,
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