Friday, January 28, 2011
Look what I found!!!!!
If you love singing and music as much as I do ,you probably get curious as to whether a singer is soprano or alto or what! By chance I found this a list of female singers and their voice types. Now, you may disagree with some of them but, I highly doubt it. It is an awesome list and I was so happy to find it !!!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The Awesomest thing in the whole world
Is Music. When asked what my favorite music genre is I can't answer 'cause I love all kinds!
I am pretty sure my absolute favorite is pop. All my favorite singers are pop singers: Demi Lovato , Taylor Swift, Avril Lavaigne, Kelly Clarkson, this list could probably go on. :D
I also like classical music: Beethoven , Vivialdi, Strauss ! Perfect music to dance to with siblings. And parents if they like to groove out with their kids. ;D
I also like Christian music especially : Newsboys , Sons of Korah , and Casting Crowns.
I also like some heavy metal but not a lot. I like all types of music rap , punk, hip- hop etc. I'll listen to any music as long as it has good lyrics and good music. Music awakens all my entire body, mind and soul, my ears, my heart is fed and nurtured , my mind is soothed , my body moves all over even now as I type listening to Demi Lovato's song "Party" my fingers and feet are dancing. And my head is bobbing to the rhythm.
If someone was to say to me " I hate Music" I would probably tell them they can't the birds make music as does the wind and in fact almost everything has a rhythm and melody if we search for it.
Even your day has a song, a rhythm , a melody search for it and find it I found mine today in schoolwork , chatting with my Mum and siblings , listening to others and in everything!
Find yours NOW!!!!!!!!!!! That's an order soldier! (kidding) And if you are feeling down turn on that radio and sing and dance!!!!
(lost my signature on this post)
Autumn xxooxxoo
I am pretty sure my absolute favorite is pop. All my favorite singers are pop singers: Demi Lovato , Taylor Swift, Avril Lavaigne, Kelly Clarkson, this list could probably go on. :D
I also like classical music: Beethoven , Vivialdi, Strauss ! Perfect music to dance to with siblings. And parents if they like to groove out with their kids. ;D
I also like Christian music especially : Newsboys , Sons of Korah , and Casting Crowns.
I also like some heavy metal but not a lot. I like all types of music rap , punk, hip- hop etc. I'll listen to any music as long as it has good lyrics and good music. Music awakens all my entire body, mind and soul, my ears, my heart is fed and nurtured , my mind is soothed , my body moves all over even now as I type listening to Demi Lovato's song "Party" my fingers and feet are dancing. And my head is bobbing to the rhythm.
If someone was to say to me " I hate Music" I would probably tell them they can't the birds make music as does the wind and in fact almost everything has a rhythm and melody if we search for it.
Even your day has a song, a rhythm , a melody search for it and find it I found mine today in schoolwork , chatting with my Mum and siblings , listening to others and in everything!
Find yours NOW!!!!!!!!!!! That's an order soldier! (kidding) And if you are feeling down turn on that radio and sing and dance!!!!
(lost my signature on this post)
Autumn xxooxxoo
Monday, January 24, 2011
A Damsels Daybook 24!!!
This is my simple Damsels version.
If you would like to join in with me each week feel free and if you do please leave a comment so I can come 'visit' and see what your plans are.
Please feel free if you want to participate to use My Damsel Image.
Outside my window....... It is mid afternoon. A breeze is blowing through my window and the birds are chirping . It is sunny !!! Not raining , which is good.
I am thinking about......... My family, my schoolwork, friends, books, music,differences I have with some people and how I shouldn't let those few differences affect our relationship.
From the kitchen..........rissoles and "Slater potater" for dinner. Family favorite.
I am creating .........right now mainly, Stories and knitting.
I am reading.........
My Bible.
Rangers Apprentice: Halt's Peril by John Flanagan
Murder on the Oriental Express by Agatha Christie
The ABC's of Choosing a Good Husband by Stephen Wood
The Harvester - Gene Stratton Porter.
I am hearing....... Siblings, the computer buzzing, Yours Truly typing and other little things that I always hear in my house.
I am hoping.........To not fall behind in schoolwork this week.
I am planning.......... To try to be on good terms with all family members this week.
I am wearing............ Brown jeans,red t-shirt ,, black boots and a red headscarf around my neck and customary jewellery .
Around the house.......... School, free time . School free time. Sch..... The cycle continues.
My wish of the week .........That I go well with my goals for the week.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Challenges in daily life.
Each of us has challenges in life some bigger than others , some tiny and really insignificant but when can't deny what they are challenges.
Each day these challenges change, some days my biggest challenge is to get out of that heavenly , cloud like thing known commonly as "bed." I then spend the rest of the day feeling like I won't accomplish anything today. I feel sluggish and lazy. Not good!
Other days my challenge is to just be there for others regardless of what I want to do. This means helping younger siblings make their lunches, read them stories, sing them to sleep, and other big sister tasks which on days that I have a full day of this by the end of the day I feel hectic, tired and just plumb worn out. It also gets to a stage where I lose that hard to acquire virtue : patience.
My challenge on another day could be just to hold my tongue even when I feel a strong desire to speak. Very hard to do!
Or sometimes my challenge could be just listen to others and be a shoulder to cry and sigh on.
Challenges are God given gifts sent to strengthen us in all we do , they are mini missions given us from "The Great General And King" to his secret agents below.
I trust you will all do as I will and embrace the next "mission" with joy and gladness knowing its a gift from the one who loves us most.
Each day these challenges change, some days my biggest challenge is to get out of that heavenly , cloud like thing known commonly as "bed." I then spend the rest of the day feeling like I won't accomplish anything today. I feel sluggish and lazy. Not good!
Other days my challenge is to just be there for others regardless of what I want to do. This means helping younger siblings make their lunches, read them stories, sing them to sleep, and other big sister tasks which on days that I have a full day of this by the end of the day I feel hectic, tired and just plumb worn out. It also gets to a stage where I lose that hard to acquire virtue : patience.
My challenge on another day could be just to hold my tongue even when I feel a strong desire to speak. Very hard to do!
Or sometimes my challenge could be just listen to others and be a shoulder to cry and sigh on.
Challenges are God given gifts sent to strengthen us in all we do , they are mini missions given us from "The Great General And King" to his secret agents below.
I trust you will all do as I will and embrace the next "mission" with joy and gladness knowing its a gift from the one who loves us most.
Monday, January 17, 2011
A Damsel's Daybook 23!!!
This is my simple Damsels version.
If you would like to join in with me each week feel free and if you do please leave a comment so I can come 'visit' and see what your plans are.
Please feel free if you want to participate to use My Damsel Image.
Outside my window....... It is getting on to evening and shadows appear like friends that have been hiding all day. The sun streaks through the trees , children walk in the sun smiling.
I am thinking about......... My family, my schoolwork, friends, books, music, Prince of Persia, Miss Marple.
From the kitchen..........Chips and nuggets for dinner. Yummy!!!
I am creating .........Summer clothes, Stories .
I am reading.........
My Bible.
Rangers Apprentice: Halt's Peril by John Flanagan
The Harvester by Gene Stratton Porter
The Mirror Cracked from Side to Side by Agatha Christie ( I actually just finished it like 15 minutes ago but wanted to tell you what I'd been reading.)
Saint Hyancith of Poland by Mary Fabyan Windeatt
The ABC's of Choosing a Good Husband by Stephen Wood
I am hearing....... Siblings, the computer buzzing, Yours Truly typing and not much else.
I am hoping.........To go driving this week Daddy please!!!!!!! I've been driving on the driveway oh, 3 times but, only 1nce this year!!! Do you think I am impatient with this? or is it only natural for me to want to drive?
I am planning.......... To go good with school and everything else this week
I am wearing............ Brown jeans,red t-shirt ,, black boots and purple fingerless punk kinda glove things a dear friend gave me before she and her sister left yesterday.They are soooooo comfortable and snug and customary jewellery .
Around the house..........We are all very busy with school which started today.
My wish of the week .........That I do everything I've been planning to do.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Cool Article.
I found this a couple of days ago. Twins born in 2010 and 2011
How awesome is that!?!?!?!
P.S. Please tell me if the link actually does or doesn't work i'm not sure if it will. :(
How awesome is that!?!?!?!
P.S. Please tell me if the link actually does or doesn't work i'm not sure if it will. :(
Saturday, January 8, 2011
About me and Random Rambling.
Okay, I just need to ramble and be a little random so please bear with me. I really don't know where this will go. :D
I went to see Tangled today. What a fantastic movie!!! It was much better then I expected it too be. It was very eye popping in 3D. Have I told you I like 3D??? Or maybe you already gathered that.
I have been writing frequently in my journal. I feel like my journal is a dear friend who will guard my thoughts , dreams , desires and feelings. Thank God for journals!!!
I have found some new Christian music I need to eventually get. Have you ever felt a song you were listening to sink into your heart and speak to your soul, like it was written for you! Songs sooth my spirit when I'm mad . Help make me happy when I'm sad. Give me something to dance to when I feel ecstatic and overjoyed. Embrace my heart and heal old and new wounds. Music is more than just music , a mere thing we listen to . To me it is a God given gift to His children. Like a rare and precious gem entrusted to us. I love music.
I often have bouts of depression , they can last several days , a few hours , under an hour. They just happen and make me feel really down with , my family , my life , myself and everything in general. They come unexpectedly and can be caused by just about everything. A sentence someone says to me, or just come and I can't tell you where they come from. They make me feel insecure and unsure of everything, I don't like being depressed as I am a happy person.
I find the most randomest things funny as my friends and family well know. But, something has to be hysterical to make me really laugh then I laugh for ages and ages and I cry at the same time and have to wipe my eyes . I love laughing. Laughter is the best medicine they say.
I have trouble verbally expressing exactly how I feel to a lot of people but have no trouble expressing myself with a pen .
Some days are soooooo hard to get through and I get to a stage at the end of the day where I don't really want to be touched and need to curl up in a ball in the dark and just feel quiet. Are any of you the same? Its surprising that I like curling up in the dark to calm down and feel better, as one of my few phobias is Nyctophobia . a fear of the dark . I shall list my phobias here for your interest:
Nyctophobia. A fear of the dark.
Arachnophobia. Fear of spiders.Not as bad as it used to be though, thankfully.
Haptephobia. A fear of being touched. Wikipedia says it is "an acute exaggeration of the normal tendencies to protect one's personal space, expressed as a fear of contamination or of the invasion, and extending even to people whom its sufferers know well." And Claustrophobia. A fear of small confined spaces.
You would have to be really close to me to know my phobias as I follow a quote from ' The Princess Diaries" movies.
"Courage is not the absence of fear . But, rather the judgment that something is more important , then fear." I will often hide my deep emotions from others until I break down or carefully, slowly, deliberately and delicately tell them how I 'm feeling.
I'm not exactly sure why I am like this . I just am God made me this way and i thank Him for doing so and making me , me. This has been very tough for me to write, I have opened my heart and told you some stuff not really well known about me . Stuff I would not willingly tell you but, I believe in being sincere so I am telling you more about myself. I hope you can relate to something about me.
I went to see Tangled today. What a fantastic movie!!! It was much better then I expected it too be. It was very eye popping in 3D. Have I told you I like 3D??? Or maybe you already gathered that.
I have been writing frequently in my journal. I feel like my journal is a dear friend who will guard my thoughts , dreams , desires and feelings. Thank God for journals!!!
I have found some new Christian music I need to eventually get. Have you ever felt a song you were listening to sink into your heart and speak to your soul, like it was written for you! Songs sooth my spirit when I'm mad . Help make me happy when I'm sad. Give me something to dance to when I feel ecstatic and overjoyed. Embrace my heart and heal old and new wounds. Music is more than just music , a mere thing we listen to . To me it is a God given gift to His children. Like a rare and precious gem entrusted to us. I love music.
I often have bouts of depression , they can last several days , a few hours , under an hour. They just happen and make me feel really down with , my family , my life , myself and everything in general. They come unexpectedly and can be caused by just about everything. A sentence someone says to me, or just come and I can't tell you where they come from. They make me feel insecure and unsure of everything, I don't like being depressed as I am a happy person.
I find the most randomest things funny as my friends and family well know. But, something has to be hysterical to make me really laugh then I laugh for ages and ages and I cry at the same time and have to wipe my eyes . I love laughing. Laughter is the best medicine they say.
I have trouble verbally expressing exactly how I feel to a lot of people but have no trouble expressing myself with a pen .
Some days are soooooo hard to get through and I get to a stage at the end of the day where I don't really want to be touched and need to curl up in a ball in the dark and just feel quiet. Are any of you the same? Its surprising that I like curling up in the dark to calm down and feel better, as one of my few phobias is Nyctophobia . a fear of the dark . I shall list my phobias here for your interest:
Nyctophobia. A fear of the dark.
Arachnophobia. Fear of spiders.Not as bad as it used to be though, thankfully.
Haptephobia. A fear of being touched. Wikipedia says it is "an acute exaggeration of the normal tendencies to protect one's personal space, expressed as a fear of contamination or of the invasion, and extending even to people whom its sufferers know well." And Claustrophobia. A fear of small confined spaces.
You would have to be really close to me to know my phobias as I follow a quote from ' The Princess Diaries" movies.
"Courage is not the absence of fear . But, rather the judgment that something is more important , then fear." I will often hide my deep emotions from others until I break down or carefully, slowly, deliberately and delicately tell them how I 'm feeling.
I'm not exactly sure why I am like this . I just am God made me this way and i thank Him for doing so and making me , me. This has been very tough for me to write, I have opened my heart and told you some stuff not really well known about me . Stuff I would not willingly tell you but, I believe in being sincere so I am telling you more about myself. I hope you can relate to something about me.
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